Programs & Curriculums

Infants (ages 6 weeks to 12 months)
These rooms provide a safe environment for babies to explore, learn and play as they become mobile. Children in these classrooms receive program provide formula, parents provided formula or breast milk according to the parents’ preference. As children start table food and purees they are provided breakfast, lunch and snack. Children in this room are exposed to music, walker toys, floor play, books, the outdoors and much more. All staff in these rooms are aware of the developmental miles stones of these children and have training on CPR, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, and Abusive Head Trauma Training.

Toddlers (ages 12 months – 36 months)
A warm loving environment meant to nurture and support children as they prepare for preschool. These classrooms are broken down into roughly 6-month age groups to create smaller group sizes. Children in these rooms are learning how to eat with utensils, drink out of open cups. By the end of the end of their time in the toddler’s classrooms, children are almost completely potty trained. These classrooms focus on supporting development primarily through play. Breakfast, lunch and snack are provided. Teachers in these rooms are aware of developmental milestones for this age group, and have current CPR certification.

Preschool (ages 3 years- 5 years)
Teachers in these classrooms teach children in a variety of areas including reading readiness, math, science, and motor development. Social skills such as problem solving, sharing, and manners are emphasized in this age group. Children in the preschool program learn mostly through play, with short developmentally appropriate instructional times such as ‘circle time.’ Breakfast, lunch and snack are provided. Teachers in these rooms are aware of developmental milestones for this age group, and have current CPR certification.
Before and After School

Before & After School (Ages 5 years to 12 years)
Before and after school care is provided to school-age children. This program is located in the Parkside Elementary School. Before school children are given breakfast and then ride the bus to their school (if not at Parkside). After school children ride the bus to Parkside (if not attending Parkside), and are offered snack. Children in this program have a variety of activities available to them including, outside play, dramatic play, board games, crafts, etc. Children may also work on homework during this time. Children attending the before/after school program also may attend Rainbow on days when there is no school or school is canceled.
Summer Camp

School-Age Summer Camp (Ages 5 years to 12 years)
An all-day program located in the Parkside Elementary school. This is a separate program from the before/after school program. The camp offers different learning activities through more advanced projects, field trips, community visitors and much more. Children in this program are provided breakfast, lunch, and snack.
Reading to the kids at a young age is vital to their development and imagination. Children begin to understand words and letters by sight leading to early reading.
Exploring the world is more exciting and math and science is part of that. Activities that include hands on learning help develop these traits early.
Creativity is important to expand the mind of a young child. This development expands the child’s mind and can help in the development of other learning traits.
Critical Thinking
When children deal with problem solving activities, they learn valuable ways to problem solve in a positive manner.